Team 2: Chemical Microenvironments
Theo Agapie
Chemical Microenvironments Team Lead, Caltech
Dr. Agapie is a Professor of Chemistry at Caltech. He is the LiSA Team Lead for Chemical Microenvironments. His research in LiSA focuses on hybrid organic-inorganic electrocatalyst approaches to CO2 reduction. His expertise is in the synthesis and mechanism of organometallic and electrochemical catalysts for upgrading inexpensive chemical precursors.
Shane Ardo
Chemical Microenvironments, UC Irvine
Dr. Ardo is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at UC Irvine. His research in LiSA focuses on proton and hydroxide management. His expertise is in photochemical and bipolar-membrane systems for solar water splitting and protonic diodes.
Bill Goddard
Chemical Microenvironments, Caltech
Dr. Goddard is the Charles and Mary Ferkel Professor of Chemistry, Materials Science, and Applied Physics at Caltech. His research in LiSA focuses on catalysis theory and large-scale atomistic modeling. His expertise is in theory and simulations of (photo)electrochemical reduction and oxidation reactions, and transport in polymers.
Cliff Kubiak
Chemical Microenvironments, UC San Diego
Dr. Kubiak is a Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry and the Harold C. Urey Chair in Chemistry at UC San Diego. His research in LiSA focuses on tailoring and selectivity. His expertise is in catalyst synthesis and mechanisms of molecular and supported (photo)electrocatalysts for CO₂ reduction.
Karthish Manthiram
Chemical Microenvironments, Caltech
Dr. Manthiram is a Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Caltech. His research at LiSA focuses on tailoring microenvironments to encourage the formation of selectively functionalized hydrocarbons. His expertise is in heterogeneous electrocatalyst synthesis and mechanism determination.
Jonas Peters
Chemical Microenvironments, Caltech
Dr. Peters is the Bren Professor of Chemistry at Caltech and Director or the Resnick Sustainability Institute. His research in LiSA focuses on additives, PCET, and environments. His expertise is in molecular systems for photochemical and electrochemical catalysis of CO₂ reduction and N₂ fixation.
Kimberly See
Chemical Microenvironments, Caltech
Dr. See is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Caltech. Her research in LiSA focuses on electrolyte design. Her expertise is in materials and electrolytes for electrochemical energy storage and conversion systems.
Wilson Smith
Chemical Microenvironments, NREL
Dr. Smith is an Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at UC Boulder and a Senior Research Scientist at NREL. His research in LiSA focuses on catalyst-membrane integration. His expertise is in atomic and molecular characterization of (photo)electrodes using in situ and operando spectroelectrochemical techniques.