Team 3: Photodynamics
Junko Yano
Photodynamics Team Lead, LBNL
Dr. Yano is a Senior Scientist in the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division at LBNL. She is the team lead for the Photodynamics Team in LiSA. Her LiSA research focuses on ultrafast photodynamic processes. Her expertise is in situ and operando synchrotron X-ray and X-ray free electron laser studies of biological systems and inorganic catalysis.
Harry Atwater
Photodynamics, Caltech
Dr. Harry Atwater is the Howard Hughes Professor of Applied Physics and Materials Science and the Otis Booth Leadership Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science at Caltech. He serves as the Director of LiSA. His research in LiSA focuses on II-VI and oxide semiconductor photocatalyst synthesis, carrier dynamics, pH imaging microscopy, and nanoporous catalysts. His expertise is in photophysics and photocatalysis, photocatalyst materials, light-mediated selective CO2 reduction, and artificial photosynthesis.
Marco Bernardi
Photodynamics, Caltech
Dr. Bernardi is Professor of Applied Physics, Physics and Materials Science at Caltech. His research in LiSA focuses on phyodynamics theory and transport. His expertise is theory of excitations and relaxations in photoexcited semiconductors.
Amy Cordones-Hahn
Photodynamics, SLAC
Dr. Cordones-Hahn is a Staff Scientist at SLAC. Her research in LiSA focuses on the photodynamics of light absorbers, catalysts, and hybrid materials. Her expertise is photophysics and photochemistry of functional transition metal complexes studied by transient optical and x-ray methods.
Scott Cushing
Photodynamics, Caltech
Dr. Cushing is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Caltech. His research in LiSA focuses on using transient XUV spectroscopy to understand semiconductor photocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis, including studies of plasmonics, polaronics, and charge transport in multi-layer devices.
Naomi Ginsberg
Photodynamics, LBNL
Dr. Ginsberg is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Physics at UC Berkeley and a Faculty Scientist at LBNL. Her research in LiSA focuses on photodynamics of ionic transport. Her expertise is spatiotemporally resolved measurements of ultrafast electron dynamics and transformations in heterogeneous systems.
Ryan Hadt
Photodynamics, Caltech
Dr. Hadt is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Caltech. His research in LiSA focuses on photocatalysts. His expertise is structure-function relationships for inorganic (photo)catalysts using ultrafast X-ray and optical spectroscopies.
Past Team Members
Lin-Wang Wang, LBNL (Oct 2020-Oct 2021)
Jason Cooper, LBNL (Oct 2020-Dec 2021)
Adam Schwartzberg, LBNL (April 2022-July 2023)