Scientific Team Leads
Myles Steiner
Systems and Integration, NREL
Dr. Steiner is a Senior Scientist in the High Efficiency Tandems group at NREL, working on the development of III-V photovoltaics for terrestrial and space applications. He is the LiSA Team Lead for Systems and Integration. His research in LiSA focuses on on photoelectrode architectures for product-specific photoelectrochemical reactions including CO2 reduction.
Theo Agapie
Chemical Microenvironments, Caltech
Dr. Agapie is a Professor of Chemistry at Caltech. He is the LiSA Team Lead for Chemical Microenvironments. His research in LiSA focuses on hybrid organic-inorganic electrocatalyst approaches to CO2 reduction. His expertise is in the synthesis and mechanism of organometallic and electrochemical catalysts for upgrading inexpensive chemical precursors.
Junko Yano
Photodynamics, LBNL
Dr. Yano is a Senior Scientist in the Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division at LBNL. She is the team lead for the Photodynamics Team in LiSA. Her LiSA research focuses on ultrafast photodynamic processes. Her expertise is in situ and operando synchrotron X-ray and X-ray free electron laser studies of biological systems and inorganic catalysis.
Thomas Jaramillo
Durability, SLAC
Dr. Jaramillo is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Stanford, Associate Professor of Photon Science at SLAC, and Director of the SUNCAT Center for Interface Science and Catalysis. His research in LiSA focuses on catalysts and integration. His expertise is in catalysis, including materials discovery, mechanistic understanding, and device development. Dr. Jaramillo also serves as the site lead for SLAC.
Joel Haber
Photoactive Materials, Caltech
Dr. Haber is a staff scientist at Caltech. His research in LiSA focuses on high throughput/directed materials translation and integration. His expertise is in solid state and precursor chemistry and advanced high throughput techniques for materials discovery for solar fuels systems.
Walter Drisdell
User Facilities Lead, LBNL
Dr. Drisdell is a Staff Scientist in the Chemical Sciences Division at LBNL. He serves as the User Facilities Lead in LiSA. His research in LiSA focuses on operando photoelectrode and catalyst characterization. His expertise is in situ and operando synchrotron X-ray studies of heterogeneous catalysts and gas adsorption in porous structures.